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Dr. Charlene Stokes

Dr. Charlene Stokes

Program Manager for Manufacturing-Education Workforce Development, OUSD R&E

Dr. Stokes leads the education and workforce development (EWD) efforts for the Manufacturing Technology Program Office under the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering OUSD(R&E). She oversees building a bridge between technology innovators and those responsible for training and educating the current and future manufacturing workforce. She serves as co-chair for the manufacturing EWD Interagency Working Group for the NSTC Subcommittee on Advanced Manufacturing which works to provide background, trends, and policy recommendations for the Executive Office of the U.S. President. Dr. Stokes also continues to serve as a senior advisor for S&T integration for DEVCOM Headquarters, Army Futures Command. She holds a dual-focused PhD in Industrial-Organizational Psychology and Human Factors Psychology, and is a passionate advocate for cross-service collaboration and open innovation communities.
