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Dr. Michael von Fahnestock

Dr. Michael von Fahnestock

Science & Technology Senior Program Manager, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
Dr. von Fahnestock serves in the USINDOPACOM S&T Office as a Senior Program Manager. His emphasis areas are Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD) technology coordination and operational management for CBRN, water purification and energy S&T Projects. Specifically, he is managing two Rapid Innovation Fund (RIF) projects dealing with tactical UAV remote CBRN sensing and novel individual water purification. Dr. von Fahnestock also sponsors Coalition Warfare Projects on behalf of USINDOPACOM and is operational manager for two Joint Capability Technology Demonstrations. Since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Dr. von Fahnestock has been supporting the Command S&T response and forward looking biosurveillance efforts. Prior to coming to USPACOM in 2011, Dr. von Fahnestock was the U.S. Army Human Resources Command project officer for The Adjutant General Directorate. When not on assignment through the Reserves or as an IPA, Dr. von Fahnestock is a Research Leader with Battelle, where he has over 25 years of experience in process design, in-house R&D management, and systems engineering, in areas such as environmental restoration, CBRN defense and demilitarization and water purification. In 2017, Dr. von Fahnestock retired from the U.S. Army Reserves in the rank of colonel after 30 years of service.