Loading All 0 - 9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Scott Shifrin Missile Defense Agency Advanced Technology Directorate CDR Johannes Shoenberg CJTF-Operation Inherent Resolve COL Gerald Sim Director, Defence Technology Collaboration Office, Ministry of Defence Singapore Noah Smith Executive Director for Cyber Space Operations to the Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Dr. Robert Smith U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) RADM (Ret.) Scott SP088SP002,SP049,SP050,SP051,SP048, Kansas City National Security Compas Dr. Jennifer Sparks Senior Director, International Cooperation, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of DefenseChemical and Biological Defense (DASD(CB) Dr. Mark Spencer Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) Dr. Jeffrey Star SAF/CDM - Director for Research & Advanced Analytics, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Robert Stephenson Director, Requirements and Resources (J8), U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Robert Stephenson Director, Requirements and Resources (J8), U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Dr. Charlene Stokes Program Manager for Manufacturing-Education Workforce Development, OUSD R&E Dr. Bryan Sullins Sensitive Activities Operations Planner, USSOUTHCOM Mary Ann Swendsen Experimentation Integrator, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command J708 PMTEC Dr. Seong Tae Jeong Chief Technology Officer, Advanced Defense S&T Research Institute, Agency of Defense Development Duncan Tailby Defense Science and Technology Group Rodney Takahashi C-sUAS Program Manager, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command J343 Vincent Thiele U.S. Indo-Pacific Command BGEN Edgar Torres Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil-Military Operations, Armed Forces of the Philippines Zachary Tudor Associate Laboratory Director, National & Homeland Security, Idaho National Laboratory LTCOL Christian Tupou Component Commander , Land Force, Kingdom of Tonga Lt Col Allen Varghese Deputy Director, Space Portfolio , Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) Dr. Michael von Fahnestock Science & Technology Senior Program Manager, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command Col Nathan Vosters U.S. Space Forces, Indo-Pacific Command Abe Webb All-Domain Training Exercise Coordinator, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command J708 PMTEC 1 2 3 4 5